Moving database connection string to azure service configuration (cscfg)
While working with
ASP.NET web sites/projects we normally keep our database connection string in
Web.config. However, while working in Azure, it's a good idea to keep this
configuration in the service configuration itself as it will be easier to
change the connection string once you have deployed your azure service and this
will prevent the need of redeployment.
Also, while working
with Azure services it would be easier to keep database configuration in the
service configuration file for the simple fact that you will not need to keep
on changing the database server name or credentials whiles working locally and while
deploying to azure.
Because, we can have
different service configuration files for different environments such as local,
cloud or even for test or staging, we can simply add a key in the service
definition file (csdef) and have values for each environment in each of the service
configuration file (cscfg).
This is
much more helpful in cases where you are using membership provider for forms
authentication, authorization and/or session management, such as using ASP.NET
Universal Membership provider for SQL Azure as it requires you to have the
connection string in the web.config file, by default it is named
achieve this you can remove the section from web.config and add key for your
database connection in your csdef file and values in cscfg. Then it is simply
to add the section at run time to your web.config in the Application_Start
event, whilst reading the values from the cscfg file.
So, first add a key in your csdef file and its setting in the cscfg file as below, for example:
<Setting name="MyApplicationDB"
Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Customers;Integrated Security=False;User
Then in your Global.asax.cs file's Application_Start event include the following code to add the required section in web.config
string connectionString =
// Obtain the RuntimeConfig type. and instance
Type runtimeConfig = Type.GetType("System.Web.Configuration.RuntimeConfig, System.Web,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a");
var runtimeConfigInstance = runtimeConfig.GetMethod("GetAppConfig", BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(null, null);
var connectionStringSection = runtimeConfig.GetProperty("ConnectionStrings", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(runtimeConfigInstance,
var connectionStrings =
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(connectionStringSection,
typeof(ConfigurationElementCollection).GetField("bReadOnly", BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(connectionStrings,
// Set the SqlConnectionString property.
((ConnectionStringsSection)connectionStringSection).ConnectionStrings.Add(new ConnectionStringSettings("DefaultConnection",
Moving database connection string to azure service configuration (cscfg)
Reviewed by aks
10:45 PM
Rating: 5